Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Water, water everywhere

When Mark and I go to Norfolk we like to slip away from everything and find a place on a long pier to sit, have a beverage and take in the bay.
On the Ocean View end of Norfolk, close to where Mark lived as a teen, is a pier that he use to slip off to in the middle of the night to fish. 
This pier has been repaired a time or two when a storm has seen fit to wash it away.
There is a bit of a walk out to the middle where you can buy bait, beer and some food or, just enjoy looking at the water.
There are some steps, up to the top deck, where you can find a tall chair and just sit.
And, stare.
And, have a drink.

We took some time while the granddaughter was napping to just take this in.
What is it about water that is so healing?
I hope when you see this picture you know why the pond on the farm is so much a part of our lives. We both spent the better part of our youth around the rivers, bays and ocean of the Tidewater area.
 There is another part of Norfolk called Ghent that tugs at my heart strings.
I love walking around the old neighborhood where I lived when I was a teen.
Also, this is where we lived when we first married.

The first morning we were there it had rained cats and dogs from about 3 am until mid-morning.
When it finally stopped, we had  just enough time to grab a walk through the streets before heading off to the birthday party.
taking a right from my mother's house.

Look at all the green and red cars.

heading back.
Norfolk has a tendency to flood when there is rain and we found ourselves taking some detours in order to keep our feet dry.

If you are ever in Norfolk spend some time in the Ghent area it is a wonderful walking neighborhood.
It also has great shops and some decently good food. We both still miss some of the old bars, where everyone knew your name, but time moves on.

When we got home yesterday we discovered it had rained a few cats and dogs here while we were gone.
Mark checked the studio and found it had flooded and there was still water standing inside.
He used the shop vacuum to suck out the water and today, we are using the dehumidifier to dry out the places that are still wet.
Makes me think of the quote:
Water, water, every where,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, every where,
Nor any drop to drink.
There is some sun out there now and I am ready to get some of the daily wetness gone.
Everything has that sticky feeling to it that you get with great amounts of rain.
Note: check for mold behind your ears.
We fired a bisque today and took stock of pots left to make for the upcoming firing.
It seems we are short on the stock of big pots for the top or crown shelves.
This puts us back on the wheels tomorrow.
just one more...


  1. You and Mark aren't the only ones who admire your pond. It is a beautiful spot and I think it helps your visitors leave the rest of the world on the other side of the water.

  2. And I know who your albatross is.
    I feel the same way about water. I find it very calming to stand on the shoreline and look out to sea.
    This is my third attempt to post a comment. Cross your fingers.

  3. I love a gentle rain that falls all day... not torrential downpours that seep inside living and work spaces! We also spent some time mopping and drying this week.

  4. Oh dear, standing water in the studio can't be good. But the other kind of water... the sea, your pond, rivers and rippling creeks... yes, those are definitely good.


  5. What a pretty neighborhood to go walking in.

    I grew up three blocks from the Atlantic Ocean. I could never figure out why so few people stopped and looked at it.

    Like you, water is an essential part of our lives.....thus the fish pond and my opening the pool in early april.

    Your granddaughter is a little beauty....she's growing up fast....but then that's what kids do!

    Water in the studio...ugh! Not what you need!

  6. They say that water, especially moving water, gives off negative ions which are a positive thing since they make you feel good. It could be just that it's pretty too.

  7. Water is beautiful, but not in your studio! I hope everything has dried out.

  8. As much as I love to visit places like Arizona, I could never live somewhere without water. I'm sure you'd rather not have it in your studio. Hope you've dried out.


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