Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Where do the days go?

 We count days in so many ways, minutes, seconds, hours that are both long and short.
We will time to stand still, we ask time to hurry up, we push time to wait for us.
 We ask a lot of time only to find out how quickly a day, an hour, a minute, a year can slide past us.
 I wish for one more minute, one more day one more trip in life to see you.
We had many, many good times together, many laughs, many moments of some serious conversations. It was years before the kids asked how we were related, by love bonds not blood bonds.
 I wish you peace and freedom in your next adventure.
I am holding on to so many memories and wishing that time had been on our side for one last visit.

Life has giving me many opportunities, you were one of those.
Love and light,


Michèle Hastings said...

Sorry for the loss of your friend. I read the obit that you shared on FB. She sounds like a very special woman.

cookingwithgas said...

THank you, she was. It's been a hard week of memories.

gz said...

Its always a wrench to have lost a friend.

"Hed amser, meddai...Na, erys amser, Dyn a a "
"Time flies, they say...No,time stays, it is Man who goes"