Sunday, August 12, 2018


It seems to have taken me forever to load this last kiln for a cone 6 firing.
I was close yesterday afternoon, there is that thought of push it through, or waiting until the next day.
I waited.
I find if I push too hard I start getting clumsy and either make a mistake or drop something.
I dropped something.
Check out time.

 I was working on tiles and some of them are quicker than others.
 The one on the top I had done weeks ago, weeks ago, I just could not come to terms with the background glaze.When I am doing background glazes I don't want them to be the focus point, they are background to the work that I want to stand out. I bet I picked up that piece, thought about it and put it back no less than 50 times, possibly more. Finally I made a plan and stuck with it.
Fingers crossed it comes out the way I want. Then again I am not always the primary player on this. I take all the work apart, while it takes the customer to bring it to life for me.
There are times just getting it hung makes it look like what I am going after.

I am set to fire tomorrow.
We'll know after it's all done.

I have been keeping an eye on the garden off and on, and we are in the butterfly business once again.
These showed up on the parsley plant this time.
Now to see how many I can grow into full butterflies.

 Happy Sunday.
Do something kind this week.
I am going to do the same.


Barbara Rogers said...

Lovely tile at the top...glad that wasn't what you dropped! Here's fingers and toes crossed for butterflies!

cookingwithgas said...

Thank you Barbara. I counted this morning and I have 8 cats.

Sandy Miller said...

Oh Meredith yes on forever with everything except watching summer fade...... Beautiful and stop dropping stuff 😂💫❤️

cookingwithgas said...

There is a fine art to dropping things, I think I am into the pretty good stage of doing this, just working my way to the fine stage. I think I am holding on to it until I am not.
Summer is sliding away too fast!