Thursday, January 15, 2009


What else is there to say except it is cold.
The studio is set up and ready to go and it is cold-
We plan to go out there and try a spin on a wheel today!
Meanwhile I saw this on Paul the Potters Bolg and it gave me a chuckle-
I, like Paul, don't know how to put the video up so maybe one day I will learn but not today-

PS- I would rather watch Dr. Who episodes and keep warm then make pots today- what does that say about this weather and my state of mind.

The photo was taken last year when we were in Blowing Rock NC at about this same time of year. We were lucky enough to be snowed in and we loved it! We usually go up there in January- I don't know if we will get there this month- maybe February?


Shortstuff said...

OMG! That song is absolutely hilarious. Thanks for sharing that one. I think all pottery studios should play that in a continuous loop for the looky lou's who come in. Oh, one question: do you have any seconds?

Anonymous said...

Sunspots. Or more accurately, the lack thereof.