Tuesday, February 10, 2009


This is one of those items which when they are going well they are great to throw. Today seemed to be one of those days- the clay was so nice just the right amount of wet- the creamers just seemed to throw themselves and I enjoyed coming along for the ride.
There are days in which the first pot of the day is the best one- today I thought that might be the case, but instead I enjoyed each one of these.
Now, to get some handles on these babies-
How about my square bats? I have one of those bat systems for my wheel head- which I really like when I am throwing small pots- pop in the bat and pop it right out at the end.
Here are some from a couple of days ago- straight up rather then the fat belly- I prefer the fat ones- but make both-


Gary's third pottery blog said...

I know what you mean about creamers, fat belly or straight up, you just have to make both

Alex Matisse said...

We started making both over here at Marks too. I really like those with the belly...the spout especially.

Linda Starr said...

I have to agree I like the ones with the belly. I love the pouring parts and rims on both, very fluid. How tall are they? I ask as recently in class I made a pinched creamer and mine looks kind of small compared to yours.

cookingwithgas said...

Thanks all- I will have to go and measure these. The straight up ones are 1 pound of clay and the round ones 14 ounces.
I think there are just under and just over 5 inches.
but- I will get back with you on that...

Linda Starr said...

Thanks, photos are so deceiving, the appear much larger to me eye in the photo.

Anonymous said...

I have been itching to throw now after being on a hand building stint for quite awhile - I know that allusive (well for me at least) feeling well. It's sort of like the runner trying to catch a runner's endorphin high...

I've been meaning to pick up one of those square bat systems.

cookingwithgas said...

okay- the creamers are just under 6 inches- the round ones with less clay are almost 6 and the straight uo ones with more clay are about 5 1/2 inches- go figure.
And I do like the square bat system- we have our own bats cut.
I bounce between the hand building and throwing. Can't decide some days!