Almost all my family is on face book-
What are you doing now- I am blank.
It all makes me chuckle and makes me a bit sad at the same time.
They have to prompt you with a questions as you stare at the computer screen and think of something profound to write. No writers block with face book- I am blank- eating, standing, sitting, driving ( that one is scary) we know your every move.
I am robbing a bank--- whoops that one will happen one day.
I do blog and I love to read the blogs. My favorites are potters and from there it could be anything.
At least with the blogs there is substance. I am not so sure about the other- a quick tag and you are out of there. Casual communication we could call it. No, you can say I am not avoiding you. Why I tagged you the other day.
When I discovered all the potter's blogs it was at a time I needed to look beyond myself and see what was beyond my backdoor.
I have to tell you there is a wealth of information out on the blogs. Most of the potters are so generous with their information- so supportive when they hold each other up. I have never read a negative commit on any blog I have visited. It warms me- the support given is genuine.
The sense of community is there- I feel it everyday.
Now, about Bob- I am with you buddy. I am looking for the balance in adding another thing to my life.
Don't do it! Facebook isn't all that; although you can post your blog posts to it... I say do what you can manage well; my generation has a short attention span so if you aren't updating XY and Z then you've lost them.
I love pottery blogs and it is so much fun just throwing any old baloney in there.....and all you folks are so nice!
I am attempting to keep myself away from facebook and just keep up with blogs. Blogs really are best. Can't end up like Bob ;)
I have left Facebook for my college age kids. However, I have enjoyed all that I have learned through Blogging -resistant at first, I LOVE all of the imagery. Potters are by far the best Bloggers, I've learned a lot and appreciate all that the Clay Arts has to share.
Facebook doesn't lend itself to visual communication, which we potters seem to love. I much prefer blogging and reading other potter's blogs, even if I can't count my "friends" who read me. The whole friend concept on facebook makes me feel like I am back in high school again (not a great place to be once you're over 35), and I'm definitely still not the popular cheerleader. LOL
I have to agree. Facebook is definitely not for our generation. I find it to be too superficial. I also get annoyed at all the claptrap you are prompted to send family and friends...all so some application writer can gather your information with their cookies. I'm not so keen on that.
I much prefer blogging. It gets to the heart of the matter much better. I'm not a potter, but I can read most potter's blogs with a modicum of knowledge having taken a few pottery classes. Plus, I really like pictures.
Hello all and welcome - Henhouse and Cindy- it is all very interesting and I admit I enjoy the blogs and the pictures are great!
Thanks for stopping in and who knows- maybe one day I can keep up with Gary on Post- LOL he is way ahead of the game.
And you can find Gary's pig traveling the blogs!
Blogging and reading blogs is enough for me, although I have made some contacts through Twitter. But Facebook, I don't need any more computer stuff to do or keep up with. Since, for now, I am stuck in a ceramic dark ages of a town I am very thankful for all the pottery blogs around the world, all the information potters are willing to share, I appreciate it all, thanks.
I much prefer blogs myself and have found FaceBook to be more about making quick connections with other clay people, but, as a side benefit, I'm catching up with old high school friends - I know seems weird and possibly inconsequential. I went to an American HS in Germany in the 80's and we are now spread out all over the world now that we're adults. We are actually planning an all ages reunion - an actual in person get together as a result of finding each other on FB.
I do have a Twitter account and I "tweet" occasionally, but feel like everyone just talks at each other. It does feel superficial and a bit surreal.
btw, I can only ever think of "bob" as "Baby on the boob!" lol...
BOB- Baby on the Boob! Cute-
My father in law was a Robert who we called Bob- he would have liked that!
I am a painter (can't remember if I made a comment before or not-forgetful-me). I went on facebook once, because several people invited me, and all my kids are on there, but after installing a blog there for 2 hours, I deleted it all, because I got a sense of people relishing in the past - I want to live in the present - if they really want to contact me, they will get my email.
By the way I LOVE your pottery, very distinguished.
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