Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hanging tiles

I thought I would try this post again.
When I am hanging tiles I use poplar wood strips-1/4 inch by 2 inch which come in 2 or 4 foot length which I buy from Lowe's Hardware.
First we cut the strips to the length we want according to what I am going to glue them to.
Second we then drill a hole for the screw eyes, which will hold the picture wire.
Each piece of wood gets a screw eye.
Be sure to use a straight edge as a guide to set up the space.Turn tile over being sure you have the tile facing the right way for hanging!
Mark the edges with a slight pencil mark to show you where to place the wood after gluing.

Put some glue on the back of the wood and place it back on the tile. Wiggle and press down until it seems firm.
Do the same on the other side. Be sure to keep an eye on where your screw eye is- if you don't you will end up with something which will not hang!
Using bricks-weight the wooden pieces down making sure to keep the wood as straight as possible.
Leave for at least 24 hours- more if the piece is larger .

After the 24 hours or more use number 3 picture wire threaded through the screw eyes to hang with.
When I am gluing a large wall pocket I find it helps to put the piece up on something or inside a bowl while I am setting it up for the glue.

If it is in a bowl- I weight it down with a brick. If that is not possible I just wait a bit and then place it wood side down on a good solid, flat board.

Here is a small 4x4 ready to hang.


Shortstuff said...

Post some of your chicken tiles. Those are my favorites.

Linda Starr said...

More great tips, thanks so much, I love the one about he wall pocket, I have one in the kiln right now. Your leaf tile is so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

beautiful oak leaf tile... great post on hanging

Annapants! said...

Lovely work Mom! XOXO

Julia said...

What a great post on hanging! Julia

Barbara said...

Thanks for the detailed instructions and numerous photos. I enjoyed seeing your beautiful tiles also. Do you ever hang your wall pockets outside?

cookingwithgas said...

Hi all- no I don't hang them outside although I would think you could. I would not leave them out during freezing weather. I don't think the clay body would hold up to the freeze.