Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What year!?

Now, why do I think I can sort through pictures of my life in 20 minutes or less?
I am completely distracted starting in 1973-74 ish.
So I am now on the second round of sorting- but gosh these are a treat.

Me and sister Leslie 1973-74ish

All dressed up to go see Leon Russell- again about 1973-74ish.

I hope to make my way to the 1980's soon.
Those are drying and it is December give me a break!


Linda Starr said...

looks like the hippy days to me Ha great photos.

Tracey Broome said...

Girl, if I could dig up some '70's photos of me, you would fall over, we could have been sisters! In fact, you look exactly like a photo I have of my cousin in the photo of you with your sister. I think we were separated at birth :)

Shortstuff said...

OMG - DAYAM...we were never that young and thin. You've been photoshopping again!!!

Laurie said...

Love it! It was great spending time with you today. Good idea!

cookingwithgas said...

Tracy dig away, I love old photo's and I think if we dig far enough we will find some distance kinship.
It is NC after all!
Hey Shortstuff I have other photo's - there are more.
Laurie it was great to see you.
Linda- you pegged us right.
Now stay tune for some of Virginia Shelton, potter from Cole's pottery.

Anonymous said...

wow, it's amazing how we all looked back then... i have to say, that look on your face looks like you were... let's just say, a rascal.

Tracey Broome said...

she still is, Jim!