Even tho I am past the age for a real walkabout I think I would love one about now.
After years of making pottery and working through the falls like a she devil my mind is really wandering.
My mind would love a trip away.
The beach in October, what a dream that would be.
I love the beach during the off season when the air is nippy and you need a jacket.
The mountains to see all the leaves turn color.
Maybe a little log cabin retreat with a fireplace and some hot tea and a book.....
But alas I find myself working away.
We think of ourselves as the Elves around here.
We hope that what we are making will make its way onto someone Christmas, Wedding, Hanuka, or Kwanzaa gift list.
So we hang here during the fall dreaming about the places we would like to be.
A driving trip up the east coast.
A plane trip to California.
Don't the all sound good!
But we will stay here like the elves and walk out everyday looking at our trees and waiting for that burst of color that should be here soon.

Pots are being made, kilns are firing and I think I can find a cup of hot tea.
Might take a drive or walk today and keep looking for fall.

wow gorgeous autumn pics, kinda looks the same here at the mo but the suns bursting through as are the buds and scents are in the air...enjoy your cup of tea :))
You're both always welcome here, keep that in mind; James Island, Fort Clinch State Park were dreams, so was Jekyl Island, although Jekyll island campground was under the trees and in the fall or winter campgrounds are better in the sun.
Love the trees, is that three leaved one sassafras or is that a young oak? Gary keeps saying over and over again, the beach, the beach, wanting to go back again. He secretly hopes we don't sell the motorhome so we can come back up there again end of the month.
There's a beach and a bed for you two up here on the Cape. Very reasonable rates, too.
you two are really tempting me....
Those fall pictures are so pretty and inspirational! I would take a walk too, if it looked like that here.
Anytime you want to do a walk-about in California, head our way!
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