Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Goat in a Bucket

As I get older I get slower and it took me all day to come up with a second thing about me that you might not know, unless you are Tracey Broome.
As you should know we use to raise goats back in the late 70's.
This must have been about 1978 or 79 and our kids were little kids,we had two adult goats and had breed one to kid in early summer.
Molly had given birth and we had planned to raise this one on the bottle since the first goat we breed had a terrible case of  mastitis  and after treating her for weeks she died of the infection. We were heartbroken and raised her two by bottle. We made the plan to bottle feed the next kids just in case we ran into the problem with her female off spring Molly.
When Jenny was born we were right there and she crawled right into my lap and bonded with me.
I was mama as far as she was knew.
Mark and I, since she was a single, set up a place on our closed in porch to keep her safe until she was big enough to go in the pasture with the others.
So here I was at home with the kids, mine and Jenny, and I found myself in ta situation of needing to go places but no where to keep the baby Jenny while I was gone.
She was too small to go out with the adults and becoming too nimble to leave on the house porch alone with no supervision.
Plus I was mama and she needed to be fed.
I packed my kids in their car seats, packed bottles for Jenny and then picked her up and placed her feet first in a 5 gallon  bucket. I could then place her up front on the floor of the car and off we went.
Me, the kids and my goat in a bucket.
There you go a story and a tip just in case you need to travel with a baby goat anytime soon.


Dennis Allen said...

Well, at least you didn't let the goat drive.

Tracey Broome said...

You left out the part about going to a pottery studio with the goat in tow!! I love this story. I love having friends that have great stories :)

ang design said...

i though it was like chicken!!! in a bucket that is :))

cookingwithgas said...

and the grocery store... but I left the goat in the car.

cookingwithgas said...

Dennis-silly she was too young to drive!

smartcat said...

Love this! But you let a baby goat ride in front without a seat belt?!

Unknown said...

This is one of the best goat stories I have ever heard!! Ya do what ya gotta do, I guess ;)

cookingwithgas said...

smartcat it was the 70's seat belts for goats were not required at that time.
Now I would use a car seat!

cookingwithgas said...

ang goat in a bucket,like chicken....hehehe but i could never eat my goats- drank plenty of the milk and made cheese..

cookingwithgas said...
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Lori Buff said...

Great story, I can picture it. I might have tried speeding just to see the look on a police officer's face.

Anna M. Branner said...

Love this story. I have freinds with goats and must pass this one on. :)

Patricia Griffin Ceramics said...

wow, how weird... I was at the gym yesterday morning and a friend announced to the class that her mamma goat just had babies that night. She was so thrilled. She said she felt like SHE was a new mom again... Maybe I need to get a mamma goat and have some new babies!

Julia said...

Love it! Do you suppose that one could put lambs in a bucket, too?!?

cookingwithgas said...

Lambs in a bucket- I think that would be fine Julia- let me know.
Pigs- I just don't think would work!

Laurie said...

Love this story, Meredith! More, please!

cookingwithgas said...

Laurie you and I could do this with a glass of wine I have many stories about small farming.....the pigs- oh the pigs!

Anonymous said...
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Quietly Otaku said...

ha ha makes a change from seeing a dog in the back seat!