Tuesday, January 1, 2013


2013- really let me repeat that for you in case it just will not settle in your brain, 2013.

 For some reason after weathering the past 5 years I think that 13 will be a good one for many of us.
Why the number 13 has had a bad rap I don't know.
I too use to be a oh, no! on the number 13 then our son was born on the 13th  at 7:11 in the morning in the month of 5.
The meaning of that number changed for me.
13.....a lucky number.
A good number.
So 2013 let's see what is in store for us all and embrace it all.
Today- one more day of rest.
Tomorrow- pots will be made.

 Doors are to be opened...


smartcat said...

Peace and Joy as we step forward into 2013.

Gary's third pottery blog said...


Shortstuff said...

Bring it. Ready for some good things to happen and some good karma.

Amy said...

Happy New Year! Hoping 2013 is a good year too.

Judi Tavill said...
