Sunday, February 3, 2013

step back in time

with me for just a minute.
I am going  through some pictures and you know how it is.
You look at a picture from 20 to 25 years ago and you think, "who are those kids?"

Us, those kids were us.
A couple of kids wandering the path to adults.

Mark and I had been in business for about 3 years when we decided we needed to put a sales shop out of the house and in the yard where the public was a bit more comfortable to go. As it is you have to be up for adventure to come and find us. Our driveway alone has caused some folks some stress of worry as they drive the quarter of a mile drive around the pond. If it is a first trip for them they worry about where they are going. The ability to see a real shop out in view at the end of the drive helps.
 All ready to go utility buildings were just starting to show up around the area and this one fit our needs, so we ordered it,12X24 to be delivered as a basic shell.
We would then spend the evenings putting in insulation, electricity, lights counters and such.
The sales shop has fit our needs most of the time we have been in business. It holds many pots, is set between the house and the workshop and it put us close by with an easy walk back and forth from one building to another..  
I threw pots inside, behind the counter, for 11 years before we build the workshop that was big enough for both of us.
Then when we had the fire and the workshop burned down (and was rebuilt) we still had the shop for sales since it is located across the yard from where we work.

It was nice not to lose the finished work during the whole mess.

Anyway pictures....

Here we are not long after the building arrived.
A couple of kids.
Finding a path.

Mark is "cooking" beer today and I have things to do.
Enjoy your Sunday.


Shannon said...

wow--the way-back-machine! we know it well. We can't believe we looked that young...we didn't feel that kid-like, but there's the proof. Glad for happy endings and adventurous seekers of art.

cookingwithgas said...

it really is like a time machine...some days i have to say to myself- walk forward...

Laurie said...

I'm so glad my path crossed your path!

cookingwithgas said...

me too Laurie!

Michèle Hastings said...

A sweet photo, you two look so proud of your new accomplishment.

Linda Starr said...

I can't imagine living in the same place for so long but I imagine your roots grow deep. Was that a pre-fab building? I love the lap siding and the color of the wood. You too look great.

Tracey Broome said...

I'm just sitting here smiling looking at those two! Look what they have accomplished. You guys look even better today than you did then, still look happy with one another and the path you chose. how could anything be better than that!

cookingwithgas said...

ah, TB- there are days I miss that girl! Thanks guys it has been a fun path to have taken.

Shortstuff said...

That's exactly what you and Mark look like in my mind's eye. You haven't aged a day. ;^)

Hollis Engley said...

Good lord, how big is that hat on Mark's head?

cookingwithgas said...

Hollis we don't talk about his head in public....
Les,me too!

MH said...

Hollis, a man with ears like mine needs a proportionate hat. LOL

Trish said...

Ah..down memory great to have those photos.. and a wonderful path you have trod!

mamaraby said...

Love the photos and the trip down the lane to the past. Time really does "fly," doesn't it?

Lori Buff said...

That's a sweet picture. You reminded me of building my studio, installing the electricity, insulation, walls...
May they both stand for many, many years.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

oooooh :)