Saturday, September 16, 2017

something we are working on

Here is a line of teacups that we are working on.
 It has taken months of testing, firings, and planning to get to this point.
 We are happy with the results and next step is to push them into production.
I'll let you know how that is going.
BTW- I have added a step to comments because of our friend Spam.
I'll be checking and confirm your comments as I can.


Peter said...

Lovely looking teacups. I always underestimate how long it takes to develop new designs, and this usually "bites" me when doing commissioned work. I often just make stuff rather than developing it properly like you have done, and this can be a problem if I have to put a display of work together. Making a line of cups or mugs must help them sell as people will want to buy 4 or 6 at a time as a set.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Those are beautiful! Some day I'll get down your way...

cookingwithgas said...

Thank you! Do come our way when you can.

cookingwithgas said...

Peter- this is down to survival as just selling what we make is not working. We need something that will sell somewhere else. Traffic here is a crawl...