Wednesday, April 22, 2020

There is so much going on

I am making this quick because I am heading to the kitchen.
It seems that cooking, even for two, takes up a good part of my time.
So what's cooking at your house?
If you have something good to share I am looking forward to that.
Hope you are well,


Tracey Broome said...

Holy crap, it is so nice to be back at your blog, I have forgotten how great your pots out of the kiln look!!! Good to be back!

Sandy Miller said...

Buttons!!! those are the best buttons ever!! Have you watched this youtube on a ceramic button maker? I watch it every once in awhile when I just need a break.

Ya, that dinner thing. Tonight looks like open face goat cheese on homemade bread (under the broiler) and a big jar of tomato soup from the basement. Making granola tonight or in the morning...... I do love the kitchen part of all this :)

Be Well ........

Linda Starr said...

love your buttons, I made macaroni and cheese with evaporated milk, it wasn't bad at all.

cookingwithgas said...

Hi Tracey! Welcome back, we have missed your voice here.

cookingwithgas said...

Sandy, I will put that on my list.
I am teaching Mark how to help in the kitchen and that is helping.
We are back in the garden as well, when I can find seeds, who would have thought?!

cookingwithgas said...

Linda, the buttons are fun?! Haha