Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What are you working on?

There are some pots moving through the studio.
Mark has taken a few orders for tall lamps.
This one is going to be sweet.

I have said this before, there is nothing that will pull a room together better than hand made lamps, there I said it again.

Mark has sent more tall lamps out the door this past year than any other year I can think of.

Maybe this is the year of the lamp.

There is the hole in the back for the wire to go through.

Here is the front view.

And, another tall lamp.
I think this one is not getting the treatment that the others are getting.
We will have work some  glaze magic  on this one.

And, this one must be in the witness protection program.

I'll have to check it out when it comes out of the bag.

There are other pots in the making.
Mark is making Tea Pots.
I am working up some SALT jars.
I just realized that I only have one left  in the store.

More pictures to come.

In case you are busy tomorrow, have a safe and happy 4th of July.
(with no rain..)



Anna M. Branner said...

My least favorite part of making lamps is wiring them. I don't know why.... YOUR lamps are beautiful! I am planning to bisque fire tomorrow. Hopefully all the pots will be dry and ready to go by then!

Dennis Allen said...

What am I working on? The house.I hope to drain the boiler and start cutting out piping tomorrow.

cookingwithgas said...

You two are having way too much fun!
Is there at least a beer in you tomorrow?

cookingwithgas said...

hi! it looks like you are both having much fun for the 4th.

Amy said...

Am away but working on reclaiming I wish I had a pug mill!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

I really love his patterning on the lamps, mmmm :) Working on? WELL! Thanks for asking, I just posted about the pitchers I am making this week :)

Michèle Hastings said...

There is nothing like a handmade lamp! Those are gorgeous.
Today I am working on carving some bowls while the gas kiln is firing (finally)... but I am not moving too quickly. It is a holiday after all.

Alex Solla said...

Witness protection program>?!! LOVE IT. That is such a great way to describe a studio where every object is covered in plastic.

What am I working on? Mostly trying to heal. Otherwise, shooting some interesting new portrait ideas. Some fail superbly, others are passable.

cookingwithgas said...

we are having such a nice slow 4th here today that I might just have to make it last through the weekend.
Keep working slowly...
and Alex- you are getting there.

Lori Buff said...

I've got a special order wall hanging and some mishima cups to create today.

The lamps look great, they are amazing.